Healthlinks Upstate March/April 2022

www.Ups tatePhys i c i ansSC . com | www.Hea l thL i nksUps tate. com | 49 “And that’s what I try to convey to my patients – that there is hope,” said Dr. Shreve, now in her 14th year of practice and third year at UCCS. “Preventing a problem is much easier than correcting it. However, change is possible, and we expect the body to heal, as it is designed to do.” Based on a 2020 report from WebMD, about 22 million Americans visit chiropractors each year. Of these, 7.7 million, or 35%, are seeking relief from back pain caused by various factors, such as accidents, sports injuries and muscle strains. They also are trying to dull the pain of headaches and problems associated with the neck, arms and legs. “Watching people transform as they regain hope and vitality is my favorite part of being a patient and a doctor,” Dr. Shreve said. “As people heal, the light of life returns to their eyes, their countenance is lifted, their personality becomes happy and positive and their gratitude and love is humbling and inspiring.” Dr. Baker added that this “light of life” is the principal reason the clientele for UCCS stretches across the United States and beyond. “There are over 70,000 chiropractors in the United States, and only about 200 upper cervical practices,” he said. “But there are only a few that practice upper cervical corrective chiropractic like we do. That is why we have people from all over the United States and internationally who seek us out for care because of the amazing results that they get under this type of specific care. Once you have experienced this level of care, you won’t want anything else for you or your family.” For more information, visit We Listen, We Care, We Get Results! (864)804-6886 | 8646 Asheville Highway, Spartanburg, SC 29316 CONSULTATION, EXAM AND FULL SPINE X-RAYS FOR ONLY $99 SPRING SPECIAL “ Watching people transform as they regain hope and vitality is my favorite part of being a patient and a doctor. “ Dr. Margaret Shreve