HealthLinks Upstate July/August 2022

www.Ups tatePhys i c i ansSC . com | www.Hea l thL i nksUps tate. com | 49 I AM SOBER This app puts the sobriety saying “one day at a time” at the core of its design. I Am Sober helps users stay sober from alcohol, drugs and other addictions with progress tracking, motivation for continued discipline and opportunities for reflection. The app displays visuals that capture the length of time sober, milestones met and upcoming milestones and also calculates the dollar amount saved by not engaging with one’s addiction. To inspire users to stay motivated, there are several different categories of quotes to peruse and the ability to share your story and view others’ stories. For added self-accountability, the app prompts users to review their days, analyze triggers and pledge every day to remind themselves why they are staying sober. ATE This food journaling app doesn’t count calories. Instead of asking users to measure and weigh their food and practice calorie counting, this nonjudgmental app prompts users to discover how food makes them feel. Ate encourages users to experiment with what works best for their personal lifestyles and reconnect with what and why they eat. Users capture their meals using photos and are prompted to reflect on the reason for eating, promoting mindfulness. Ate also enables logging of beverages, movement, emotion, body measurements and movement. Journeys tracked on the app are shareable with friends or a coach. BREATHWRK Breathwrk operates on the theory that breath is “the remote control” to the nervous system and is at the core of health and performance. To help users connect with their breath, the app offers a library of exercises and classes. Techniques behind the breath work are the same as those used by Olympic athletes, Navy SEALS and yogis to wake up, fall asleep, relax, re-energize and manage physical and mental conditions. Breathwrk can be utilized in moments associated with heightened stress levels or in daily practice, using the app’s reminder setting and streak tracking. BETTER HEALTH? THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Get it on Google Play or download it at the Apple App Store.