HealthLinks Upstate July/August 2022

www.Ups tatePhys i c i ansSC . com | www.Hea l thL i nksUps tate. com | 47 The same is true for the second type of facial surgery – cosmetic or elective. This involves enhancing the aesthetics of the face and includes deep plane face-lifts, nose surgery, eyelid surgery and skin resurfacing with lasers or physical planing of irregularities. The healing process for any scar is usually six to 12 months, with redness at first, followed by hardness of the treated area, then a softening of the scar and a gradual fading of the redness. “When we surgically create a scar, we have some control in how it heals,” Dr. Hochman said. “But the healing process itself, what the body goes through to weld those tissues back together, is the same regardless of what caused the scar.” The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that in 2020, approximately 15.6 million people in the United States had some form of facial surgery. Nose reshaping led all categories, with more than 352,000 procedures. “The technology and our understanding of facial aging’s root causes are ever-improving, and we now have the ability to combine multiple techniques to achieve unprecedented facial rejuvenation results,” he said. “And if we maximize the healing process in a certain way that we control, then you will not look different, only better.”