HealthLinks Upstate July/August 2022

www.Ups tatePhys i c i ansSC . com | www.Hea l thL i nksUps tate. com | 23 Don’t wait for the numb tingling in your neck to spread to other parts of your body and affect your ability to move. The tingling often is a sign that the top bones in the neck need realigning to keep your body and organs functioning properly – and one of the principal places in the Upstate to have it checked and treated, if necessary, is Upstate Spine & Wellness, LLC. Now in its 32nd year in Greer, Upstate Spine & Wellness is owned and operated by Doctor of Chiropractic Wayne Laney. And whether you are experiencing lack of coordination, muscle weakness, extreme sensitivity to touch or numb tingling in your neck and other limbs, Dr. Laney accepts and cares for patients of all ages and needs. “When there is a misalignment in the top bones of the neck, people can experience pain and dysfunction anywhere in the body because these bones are situated around the brain stem, as well as important nerves, arteries and veins supplying the brain,” said Dr. Laney, now in his 45th year of practice. “My goal is to help you regain your alignment so that the arteries, veins and brain stem are free from impingement and able to then regulate structural/ functional balance.” One dysfunctional effect from this misalignment is a condition known as creeping nerve death. Often known by its medical name, paresthesia, it is damage to peripheral nerves – those located outside the brain and spinal cord. “It’s part of peripheral neuropathy, which can slowly ‘kill’ nerves, cells and muscle in your arms, legs, hands and especially your feet,” Dr. Laney said. Early warning symptoms include tingling and numbness, along with the inability to feel your feet, which can gradually increase your risk of injury and falls. More advanced-stage symptoms can bring loss of coordination and dexterity and the inability to feel clothing like socks or gloves. “When I originally started my practice in Yakima, Washington, in 1977, I saw creeping nerve in probably 5% of my patients,” Dr. Laney said. “Now it’s above 10%, due to having more seniors as patients in recent years.” Treatments vary – including medication, B12 vitamin supplements, and, in extreme cases, limb amputation. But Dr. Laney said the first step to determining a course of action regarding any corrective chiropractic measure is to see your doctor and have a physical exam. And if you need any corrective treatment, Dr. Laney will help you get back on track through the Atlas Orthogonal technique. “It is an advanced scientific instrument correction to adjust the atlas vertebrae – the top bone of the neck – without popping and cracking the neck,” said Dr. Laney, a former instructor of the technique. “It is a specialty of mine and it’s suitable for all ages.” Dr. Laney concluded: “You can’t always expect your body to remain the same as you get older, but there are always treatments to allow your mind and body to restore their functions and to heal.” REGAINING YOUR ALIGNMENT For more information, visit By L. C. Leach III SPONSORED MEDICAL CONTENT