HealthLinks Upstate Jan-April 2023

www.Ups tatePhys i c i ansSC . com | www.Hea l thL i nksUps tate. com | 33 Cynthia Boswell What first attracted you to RMI? I have always been interested in the field of functional medicine. When I met Dr. Orbeck and learned about his practice, I felt an intense connection with him and his vision. His passion for his practice radiates to all of those around him. What do you like most about working at RMI? The world of functional and anti-aging medicine is always changing. We are constantly learning new modalities of treatment to benefit our patients. The challenge of leaving and keeping up with what is around the corner is invigorating How would you describe the work environment at RMI? We work in a very supportive environment. Our culture is centered around integrity and teamwork. When you walk into our waiting room, you will feel the calm and compassionate energy that radiates from our staff. What is the mission statement at RMI? Our goal at RMI is to empower our patients to feel and live their best. We take our patients and treat them in a holistic manner with cutting-edge technology and evidence-based practices. Julia Ruiz What do you like most about working at RMI? We are always seeking to improve and fine-tune the way we do things every day, and the people I work with all believe that to be valuable as well. What is the mission statement at RMI? To empower individuals to be their best in life, whether that be their health, doing what they love, and living life with energy. Share some joys of working with Dr. Orbeck. • Dr. Orbeck provides great feedback and is very in tune with my growth potential. He never leaves me in the dark as to who I can become! • He values his time and my own • He cares about my well-being, just as he does with his patients. Rosalind Buckner Share some of your favorite aspects of your job responsibilities at RMl: Being able to take the time to talk to my patients and see them progressing with their health. Share some joys of working with Dr. Orbeck. I love and admire Dr. Orbeck’s passion for what he does! In my 32 years of nursing, I have never worked with a Doctor that believes in and is so passionate about helping people. What would you want potential patients to know about RMI and Dr. Orbeck? Dr. Orbeck believes in what he does here at RMI and is here for each patient. We at RMI care about you as a person, and we are here to make a difference in your life. Eva Orbeck I learned many years ago how just someone’s nutritional selection can affect their health. I would like to share with others how customized choices of food and tailored hormonal optimization can affect their aging process. The staff at Regenerative Medical Institute makes it a priority that we will deliver to each patient an individualized approach to reach their goals and expectations. Our team is exceptional, and all of its members work with integrity and passion with one goal in mind – patient care. Julia Ruiz Eva Orbeck Cynthia Boswell Rosalind Buckner REGENERATIVE MEDICAL INSTITUTE Greenville 877-573-3737 RMI.LIVE MEN WI N HEALTH Photo by Carin Scates Photography.